MATRIXSYNTH: soundmachines NS1 Nanosynth + base + wood case + nanobridge

Monday, April 01, 2019

soundmachines NS1 Nanosynth + base + wood case + nanobridge

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via this auction

"I bought this NS1 nanosynth new a couple years ago along with the NS1 Nanobridge (used to patch into your eurorack modular system. It has been a wonderful mini synth to own and record, as it really is like a full semi-modular synth (minus a sequencer). The online manual and tutorials were very helpful in discovering the best avenues for generating predictable sound, and if you are stuck I found that Davide at Soundmachines is more than willing to discuss and aid you in any questions you may have. When I purchased this bad boy I also picked up an NS1 experiment kit, which is what I used to make a sequencer. After building sequencers and a number of other arduino synth projects, I never even bothered to use the Nanobridge so it is basically brand new. I did test it on a digital eurorack module and found it to work perfectly fine, however I never tested it on an analog module. I STRONGLY recommend reading everything you can about this synth before patching it up to your eurorack or other synths, as too much power will fry the tiny synth (at least that’s what im told). I am keeping this $60 experiment kit, as it will be useful with my other arduino applications. The wooden case is a cleaned out Hoppes gun cleaning kit. I emptied it out and added some foam padding to secure the nanosynth and components inside. Also, I added a little white notch color to each of the 16 knobs so that my settings were more visible ( the knobs were solid black and the values were nearly impossible to see in low light).
This synth can run off of a 5v USB input, so it can attach directly to a PC or Mac, or be plugged into a wall wart. It has a single stereo output, a huge number of patch points, a ribbon cable controller 3 buttons for FSR applications, multiple VCO waveforms and noise forms, two LFOs, Attenuators, ADSR, VCA, 3 mixers, AND, OR, XOR, etc. Check out the website for more details."

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