MATRIXSYNTH: The Very First Synth Cartoon?

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Very First Synth Cartoon?

This one is in via Brian Kehew who had the following to say:

"I believe this may be the very first 'synthesizer cartoon' from an in-house RCA publication in 1956 (The RCA MkI synthesizer was completed then.)"

If you know of anything earlier, let us know!

P.S. I first thought that was one messed up Santa going after the floating kid with a sword, but it appears he is holding, and offering, a bow and violin. :) Hence the caption of the kid yelling "I wanted a synthesizer!". He must be jumping in anger with his fists clenched. That or he managed to levitate by vibrating at some harmonic frequency only possible with a synthesizer? What's with the spikes in his shadow?

P.P.S. I'm guessing the "COOK" under the tree is the artist's name, that or they missed the IE. Santa wants his cookies.


  1. Thinking on it now, MOST synthesizer cartoons have been pretty crappy! Some person's idea that "this thing is weird" or making a joke that it has 1000 knobs on it... This one's not very funny, either.

  2. Didn't the word “synthesizer” come up first in 60's with Bob Moogs modular according to some people who knows these things...?


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