MATRIXSYNTH: The MCS70 by ELKA's Mario Maggi - Only One In Existence Might Come to Soundmit

Monday, February 10, 2020

The MCS70 by ELKA's Mario Maggi - Only One In Existence Might Come to Soundmit

Published on Feb 10, 2020 Badilevintage

Details on Soundmit with the pics further below.

"Hello everybody , my Hobby it's restore the old Combo organ and Synth.
In this video i show you the test after restored of ultra rare MCS70 made by Ing. Mario Maggi .
The only piece in the world!!"

[Side note: Mario Maggi was the man behind the ELKA Synthex. There was only one previous post that mentioned the MCS70 here on MATRIXSYNTH posted back in 2006. This had me wondering whether there are any other one-off synths, and what are some of the rarest synths out there? There was the ASE Modular also by Mario Maggi. There is only one S.W.A.N but it shares the same synth engine as the Syntar. There was also the ConBrio ADS, protoype Minimoogs if you want to count them, prototype Orchestron (not technically a synth, but...), the original Acxel Resynthesizer, clear Gleeman Pentaphonic (same engine as the solid black ones though), rare EMS synths, rare PPGs (here and here for example), and I'm sure others I forget at the moment. If you can think of any, leave a comment below! BTW, the New Old Label is a great resource for exploring vintage gear that never appeared on the site before. I highly recommend it and the exclusive labels for some of the more exclusive synths out there.] Also see the first synth to post.

via SoundMiT

"The rarest synthesizer on Earth comes back to life thanks to the patient restoration work of two passionate Italian technicians

Recently the Soundmit has been involved in an event of those that happen once in a lifetime.
Two longtime friends, passionate about synthesizers, musicians and technicians, have accomplished a feat deemed impossible.

They have completely restored the rarest Italian synthesizer, the MCS70 designed by Mario Maggi, just him ... the father of Elka Synthex.

The MCS70 is a monophonic synth with many surprises inside, perhaps the most evident in the presence of the presets! In an era in which microprocessors were not yet widespread, Maggi succeeded in the enterprise of creating the first analog, monophonic synthesizer with memories!

There is only one MCS70 in the world and has been owned, for almost 40 years, by Patrizio Fariselli, the famous keyboard player of the Progressive Rock band "AREA".

Recently two friends, one technician (Marco Molendi) and the other a musician (Andrea Manuelli), specializing in the restoration of Italian electronic musical instruments, have succeeded in the impossible task of bringing the instrument back to life.

According to the engineer Maggi, it is not possible to give technical details beyond what can be seen in the video.

Francesco Mulassano of Soundmit was invited by Marco and Andrea during the last phase, that of the toast for the goal reached and in fact is one of the very few people in the world who have seen tried and listened to the instrument that, after so many years, remains a jewel of technique and sound.

Special thanks go to engineer Mario Maggi for the work he has done (and continues to do) in our sector.

We hope to hear the MCS70 in new compositions soon and hope to see it at Soundmit in November 2020!"


  1. "Rare" should be replaced with "unique." A Ferrari Dino 206 GT is rare. The Ferrari Modulo is unique.

  2. Replies
    1. Curious how many were released. I looked up some old posts and it looks like the emulatorarchive is gone. Last backup on the Way Back Machine was in July of 2012. It sad when resources like that disappear. Searching for it I found this custom housed DIY version, and this unrelated but still interesting early Fairlight Quasar.

    2. See also PPG Realizer, used by NIN according to Tom Ellard, but not unique as more than one were made but less than a handful.

    3. See the E-Mu section of Vintage Synth Explorer. The only Audity is in a museum in Calgary.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Conn Electric Band
    Not sure how many were made, but is a very rare beast now

  5. Any recent news about Maggi? Is he still doing well and working on the Synthex 2?


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