MATRIXSYNTH: Novation Spotlight: Freedoms Found in Isolation w/ Baths

Friday, April 17, 2020

Novation Spotlight: Freedoms Found in Isolation w/ Baths

via Novation where you'll find the full article.

"Musician/Composer Baths discusses his positive experiences with isolation.

Words: Will Wiesenfeld aka Baths / Geotic

Isolation is so strangely polarized in our minds. It’s the dogma of introverts and the bane of extroverts. I think in actuality, isolation doesn’t need to be such an emotionally-infused concept. It’s just a practical part of a healthy lifestyle. Like breakfast, or exercise. Isolation can balance out the amount of time we spend being present with other people. It’s the other half of that experience: being present with yourself, which is equally important. I work and make music entirely from home so isolation is pretty integral for me. In all the different little vignettes I might picture about my current lifestyle, being by myself plays a major role, but in moderation alongside being with other people. I’m passionate about the benefits of isolation because of how much it’s helped me but I also understand it’s not the same for everyone. Even a moderate level of isolation can seem daunting if it's not something you regularly practice. A look at my positive relationship with isolation might help showcase how it can be a comfortable place for self-engagement and a welcome ally in creative freedom."

You can find additional Novation Spotlight posts here.

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