MATRIXSYNTH: Superbooth 20HE: AVPSynth ADS mk2 - Analog drums from Russia

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Superbooth 20HE: AVPSynth ADS mk2 - Analog drums from Russia

Published on Apr 26, 2020 sonicstate

"AVP Synth have been making analog drum synthesizers for a number of years now the ADS MK2 is the latest addition to their unique analog drum machine line up. With a complete through hole design the ADS mk2 features 7 drum sounds 4 of which are designed with specific drum sounds in mind; Bass Drum, Clap, Closed Hihat and Open Hihat. The other 3 are designed to give you a wide ranging drum synthesizer that can cover everything else you might need from snare drums to drone synths.

The sequencer is a 16 part sequencer which has record mode, step programming and pattern chaining of up to 16 parts. Patterns can be up to 256 steps. The extra tracks can be used to sequence external gear via MIDI or trigger outputs. Each individual drum synth can also be triggered via external triggers.

The ADS MK2 has been manufactured for the past year or so and AVP Synth are now coming up to their second batch. You can order directly from AVP Synth or from suppliers around Europe."

AVP Synth ADS-7 mk2

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