MATRIXSYNTH: Yamaha - AN1x - Exploring the Presets - Part 2 - Midiverse - TV

Monday, May 25, 2020

Yamaha - AN1x - Exploring the Presets - Part 2 - Midiverse - TV

Published on May 25, 2020 Midiverse - TV

"What's up everybody? Welcome to Midiverse - TV! Today we're going to be checking out the AN1x from Yamaha. Let's have a look!"


  1. Links to eBay and Reverb I understand, but does anyone think that there is anything related to AN1X at Amazon?

    Also, Matrix, how come you use a posting utility that has no editing facility, and which does not actually delete an entry on request, but replaces the post with the text "This comment has been removed by the author"? That is not so much a deletion as an embarrassing reminder that one wanted to correct a mistake but was prevented by backward technology and so had to post twice. Is the the best tool that has to offer? If so, you should consider using someone else's software.

    1. It's built into blogger. The reason I chose Blogger is because I figured it had/has the best chance of survival when I'm long gone. It's owned by Google and is free. Someone would just need to either configure it back to or renew and continue pointing to it. So many useful synth sites have disappeared over the years. Audio Playground, come immediately to mind. As for Amazon, it's just part of the template and you never know. There are actual synth items there, but you are correct; currently there aren't any AN1X products. Sometimes you will find power supplies or other accessories.


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