MATRIXSYNTH: Gentry: Artist Spotlight - Launchkey [MK3] // Novation

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Gentry: Artist Spotlight - Launchkey [MK3] // Novation


"We were lucky enough to spend a day in London with multi-instrumentalist Gentry for a performance of his track 'Jagged Edge' and to chat with him for an insight into his musical world. In this video, discover how his journey into making music began, where he finds his inspiration and how he begins his creative process.

--- Watch the exclusive performance of his track 'Jagged Edge', recorded live using using Launchkey 49 [MK3] alongside Bass Station II:
[posted here]

Launchkey [MK3] is our intuitive and fully integrated MIDI keyboard controller for making tracks in Ableton Live, designed to give you everything you need to create and play your music. Made for creators of all abilities, the Novation Launchkey gives you inspirational tools to expand your musical vocabulary. Scale and Chord modes and a powerful arpeggiator push your musical creativity and help start new ideas. Custom Modes and a full-size MIDI output transform Novation Launchkey [MK3] into a powerful centrepiece of any music-making setup. Launchkey [MK3] is made to create.

--- Discover Launchkey [MK3]:"

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