MATRIXSYNTH: Tycoon Lagoon

Monday, October 19, 2020

Tycoon Lagoon


Audio gets going at :27.

"New STG Soundlabs Oscillators in 5U. These are excellent sounding vco's with a few unique tricks up their sleeves. So happy to have them in the large format modular synthesizer realm. This was a hurried first patch to give me a quick listen to the sound of them.
I'm using a pair of STG Voltage Mini Stores for the pitch cv to them. Both are mixed then sent to an STG PostLawsuit LPF. The lower pitched VCO is unmodulated with a sawtooth out and the upper pitched VCO is a square pulse wave out. The upper pitch VCO is also sending a sawtooth out to an Oakley VCADSR and STG Sea Devils filter which is pulsed by the STG Trigger Mini Store. Both VCO's are amplitude shaped by a pair of STG Envelope Generators with their decay (T3 stage) voltage controlled by LFO's.
Additional sounds are from the Dove Audio WTF and FM from the lower STG VCO triangle wave, and a kick drum sound from the FSFX Macro Oscillator (MI Braids). A tape delay rounds out the final mix without the kick drum.
Recorded straight from the 5U to Cubase. No post processing."

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