MATRIXSYNTH: VAI 38 - Two Farfisa Syntorchestras

Thursday, December 24, 2020

VAI 38 - Two Farfisa Syntorchestras

Vintage Audio Institute Italia

"While we had two of the Farfisa Syntorchestras in the studio we thought it would make sense to make track using both of them.
We're using the transcribe/pitch knob to create the monphonic lead melody harmonies, a surprisingly effective little trick for us amateur players to come off as skilled :).
The Vermona ER9 is an East Germany-made drum machine with individual volumes for each sound.
Here we ran it through a phaser and spring reverb.

We make these videos as a showcase for our studio, for other curious vintage heads - and for fun.
We don't dilly-dally too much with production and mixing but it can sound pretty good with headphones on."

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