MATRIXSYNTH: New Baloran Super Synth "The Pool" to be Available In Two Versions and Will be Open Source

Thursday, April 01, 2021

New Baloran Super Synth "The Pool" to be Available In Two Versions and Will be Open Source

Présentation du Concept de The Pool video by Laurent Baloran

"Quelques lumières sur le concept de The Pool ;)"


"Some light on the concept of The Pool;)"

Quick disclaimer, the video is in French, but you can enable captions by clicking on CC followed by the gear icon, and your language. The following is based on what I read. I'm not sure how much pertains to the development of the product vs. final product. That said, it looks like Laurent will be producing two versions of "The Pool" - one with a full control panel, and one minus the controls, plus and external software editor, similar to the Nord Modular Rack in concept. The reason? The cost of the full control version looks like it will be roughly 3500 to 4000 Euros. As that is not in everyone's price range, he plans to release a version minus the hardware controls priced around 1000 to 1200 Euros. Note the software editor is already developed. What's interesting is it sounds like he will allow you to trade-up if you decide you want the full control panel, but I'm not sure if that only applies to those jumping in early to help test and develope the synth. The platform will be open to developers to create new features. Not sure if this only pertains to development as well. The plan is to have it ready for purchase for the public sometime in 2022, and the name of it, currently refered to as "The Pool," is not set.

See the Baloran label below for additional posts featuring the development of "The Pool."

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