MATRIXSYNTH: What The Heck Is A Moog/Realistic MG-1?

Friday, April 30, 2021

What The Heck Is A Moog/Realistic MG-1?

video by Josh Is Making Music

LoFi Sunday #15: Hopeful (Roland SP-404SX and Moog MG-1)
video by Josh Is Making Music

"I picked up a Moog/Realistic Concertmate MG-1 off of Facebook marketplace, and while I plan on doing a larger video exploring it, I couldn't help but play around with it for a lofi jam. The SP-404SX has become one of my favorite music-making platforms, and for this song, I'm adding reverb to the MG-1 with the 404. The chord patterns and bassline were sampled from the Korg Prologue. If you're already subscribed, thanks for coming back! And if you're not already subscribed and you enjoyed this video, please consider subscribing to help support the channel. Thanks!"

1 comment:

  1. How much more explanation does the MG-1 need after Marc Doty?


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