MATRIXSYNTH: 62HP: Contextual FX Processor - Small Eurorack Effect System

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

62HP: Contextual FX Processor - Small Eurorack Effect System

video by Perfect Circuit

"Back again with our trusty Intellijel Palette case, this episode of 62hp journeys into the world of Eurorack effects processing in a system dubbed the Contextual Effects Processor. While the name is a bit of a play on the inclusion of the Harlequin’s Context from Shakmat, the modules chosen for this system were picked for their versatility and ability to fit into a wide range of musical situations.

For our effects, we turned to the Data Bender by Qu-Bit Electronix for glitchy, digital artifacts, the expansive Milky Way from Endorphines for general purpose effects like delays and reverbs, and the crushing Guillotine distortion from Ritual Electronics. We’ve also got a Bastl Cinnamon for filtering and additional drive, and the Katowice by XAOC Devices supplies crossover filtering and multi band isolation for situations where surgical sound shaping is needed. External sounds enter the system through a pair of Mutable Instruments Ears modules, but we can also take advantage of their built-in contact mics for generating and processing sounds fully within the system itself.

The Harlequin’s Context is a preset programmer for generating linked sets of control voltage sources. Each of the four channels can be set up as an LFO, envelope generator, and more, and the configurations of all four are stored together in scenes, which can be accessed manually with buttons on the front panel or sequenced and scanned through for ever-changing modulation in your patches. When paired with a traditional modulator like ALM’s Pip Slope, any system (especially one loaded up with all kinds of effects like this one) can come alive in compelling ways.

All of these modules available here:


00:00 - Jam #1
01:47 - Intro
02:29 - Module Overview
03:53 - Harlequin’s Context
05:31 - Ears as Contact Mic
06:41 - Katowice Sound Shaping
07:49 - Outro
08:04 - Jam #2"

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