MATRIXSYNTH: Salamander Music Systems SMS Voice 400 Synthesizer ultra rare Boards and Panel

Friday, July 30, 2021

Salamander Music Systems SMS Voice 400 Synthesizer ultra rare Boards and Panel

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This one was spotted and sent in via M Me.

via this auction

"Salamander Music System SMS Voice 400 boards and control panel

This convolute contains

1x Control Panel
2x SMS 400 mother boards with dual VCO , VCF ,dual EG , delay and CV S&H modules
1x SMS 400 mother board with dual VCO , VCF ,dual EG and CV S&H modules
1x SMS 400 mother board with dual VCO ,VCF and CV S&H modules

All parts are untested . Selling it for spares and repair ,
Curtis IC's are not includet .
The MN3005 BBD Chips (2 per Delay as far as i know) are includet"

1 comment:

  1. Somebody got a great deal!
    Auction ended on a Best offer with 880 Euros crossed out.
    Even without the CEMs that's a steal.


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