MATRIXSYNTH: Norand Mono INHALT Multitrack Demo

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Norand Mono INHALT Multitrack Demo

video upload by INHALTVIDEO

"Norand is a new French synthesizer manufacturer. Mono is their debut synth that I've been commissioned to do a sound library for. In the process of doing so, I put together a demo song wherein every sound is sequenced and generated on the Mono entirely. Every single sequence and sound, including drums was made on the Mono (yes the chords too). Pretty impressive stuff for a "compact" 303 inspired synth ...

And while it may appear to be inspired by the 303 it's actually an amalgamation of "things". Working on this synth, took me back the the 90s, when I read Future Music magazine. During that 303 clone craze time, the king was the Future Retro 777, and in many regards the Mono brings up a bit of a design vibe from that. While the 777 was, to my ears a cross between a Sequential Pro One and 303 there is something about it that the Mono spiritually continues. Similarly, the Mono does have all the provisions that a 303 has (especially on the sequencer front) but then it updates it with pretty much all the modern facilities an Elektron box would have.

The Mono is a kind of 21st century bridge between the best of the past and the best of the now. The sound of the actual machine is much more vintage in character than most modern synths but the way you play and manipulate and sequence that sound is firmly 21st century with the vibe and some charming idiosyncrasies of the 303 sequencer. Don't sleep on this one, it's an absolute winner.

Multi-tracked and mixed entirely on an AMS Neve 8424 console with some fx processing (light reverb and delay) from a Lexicon 480l. Filmed and produced at Infinite Power Studios, Los Angeles, CA."

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