MATRIXSYNTH: RE-909 vs TR-909: Sunshine Jones' 909 (Reprise)

Monday, August 09, 2021

RE-909 vs TR-909: Sunshine Jones' 909 (Reprise)

video upload by autoy

Update: video re-uploaded.

"I thought it would be good to make this comparison again after my RE-909 was finished. Since the last video there's been quite a few changes, the most important being the addition of the output caps (as per Roland TR-909 service manual) and the replica of the original transformer. With these I consider the RE to be pretty much a 909 but I let you judge by the video.

Of note: there are 5 hardware revisions of the TR-909 two of which really affect the sound. Most of the RE-909 builds will sound like earlier models but with the later bass drum, hence slight differences depending on which models you compare it to. Original vintage Mitsubishi OPamps, several key original transistors and original Roland BA662 have been used in this build.

Thanks again to Sushine Jones for providing the video and samples and thanks for watching."

1 comment:

  1. Hello, thanks for linking but video has been replaced because of hum issues with the previous!


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