MATRIXSYNTH: Yamaha SY-22/SY-35 "Compass" Soundset 64 Dynamic Vector Presets

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Yamaha SY-22/SY-35 "Compass" Soundset 64 Dynamic Vector Presets

video upload by LFOstore

"We are big lovers of vintage Yamaha SY Series & we collect its every model!

Following our SY-55 & SY-77 soundsets we are here with SY-22/SY-35 Sound Pack called "Compass"


Using unique Dynamic Vector function of both 22&35 models you can create unusual & morphing timbres like:

*Unique Vector Morphing & Moving Sounds
*Texture Drones & Spheres
*Modulated & FM-kind Timbres
*Atmospheric Pads & Strings

Made by member, Alexander Kav aka. Nucleus from Saint Petersburg.
You will find all needed instructions for easy loading soundset.

Enjoy & may music be with you!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested, but unclear on what this product is. Is this a hardware device that connects to the synth, like a tone bank? Is it a memory card loaded with presets? Or is it a software plugin to be used within a DAW? For the price, it seems likely to be the latter, but the video doesn't explain or show how it's used. Thanks in advance.


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