video uploads by 909955847736
"This is from the series of Ensoniq SQ-80 factory demo disks model #s VSD-1 through VSD-5, recorded here direct from the synthesizer. One of these disks was included with each new SQ-80. Several of the songs loop endlessly, so all loops were turned off for this video. VSD-99 "VOICE / DATA DISK # 99" is not included here. My best guess is that it was more in the developmental stage. It's dated 1987, a year earlier than the rest, and has the same sequences as one of the other disks."
1. Ensoniq SQ-80 factory demo disk VSD-1 "SQ-80 VOICE / DATA DISK #1"
VSD-1 comes with four banks of demo sequences:2. Ensoniq SQ-80 factory demo disk VSD-2 "ESSENTIAL 1
1. BNK 1 DEMO (1 song)
2. BNK 2 DEMO (1 song)
3. INT DEMOS (2 songs)
4. INT-2 DEMO (10 songs)
VSD-2 comes with two banks of demo sequences:3. Ensoniq SQ-80 factory demo disk VSD-3 "PERFRMANCE 1"
1. BNK 1 DEMO (10 songs)
2. INT DEMO 2 (1 song)
VSD-3 comes with two banks of demo sequences:4. Ensoniq SQ-80 factory demo disk VSD-4 "ESSENTIAL 2"
1. PERF1. DEMO (10 songs)
2. INT .2 DEMO (10 songs)
VSD-4 comes with two banks of demo sequences:5. Ensoniq SQ-80 factory demo disk VSD-5 "PERFRMANCE #2"
1. ESSNT2DEMO (10 songs)
2. INT 2 DEMO (7 songs)
VSD-5 comes with two banks of demo sequences: 1. PERF.2DEMO (10 songs) 2. INT.2 DEMO (5 songs)
Update: VSD-5 demo added to the playlist.
are all 5 sound disks downloadable somewhere the has about three out of the five disks i would consider getting an sq80 if i found all of the downloads or disks