MATRIXSYNTH: SOMA Pulsar-23 // Exploring the Filters

Saturday, April 09, 2022

SOMA Pulsar-23 // Exploring the Filters

video upload by Dexba

"Welcome to another little tutorial.
Pulsar is MASSIVE, and it took to its creator around 5 hours of video to explain some basic functions, so I will never get even close to that level of comprehension of the instrument.
What I can do is offer you some little insights on how I use the Pulsar, and lately, I've been mostly using it way less as a drum machine and way more as a tonal instrument, like a more capable, 4-voices Lyra.
In this video, we're gonna explore a little bit what we can do with filters, while I collect some more ideas for other little tutorials on specific topics.
I hope you'll find it at least a bit useful and inspiring.
Enjoy ✨"

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