MATRIXSYNTH: Dave Rossum on audio Companding a SynthSummitShow special

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Dave Rossum on audio Companding a SynthSummitShow special

video upload by Ken Flux Pierce Fluxwithit

"The SynthSummitShow is series of interviews with the people behind the music tech gear we love. This special episode was not intended to be a typical SynthSummitShow episode. Dave Rossum is a long time pioneer of the audio industry. Please check out the previous SynthSummitShow episode 8 [below] for a more direct interview. you can also catch the last interview we did with him on the BEATPPL episode 70. [posted here]

This conversation stems from me trying to better understand audio companding as was used in E-MU's early samplers. diving into wikipedia and other online resources, I found inadequate. Most of these online resources just assumed that the companding was the same as done in early days of telecom. This however I found to be inaccurate. So I reached out to Dave to ask him some details and what follows is the result. I can't thank Dave Rossum enough for sharing his knowledge and time with not just myself , but the community as a whole. This industry would not be the same without him and I am humbled everytime I get to speak with him."

The SynthSummitShow Episode 8 Dave Rossum : from sp1200 to modular

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