MATRIXSYNTH: Twisted Elektrons MEGAfm MKII Coming September 2022

Friday, August 26, 2022

Twisted Elektrons MEGAfm MKII Coming September 2022

via Twisted Elektrons

"This updated version is identical in appearance and functionality but will include a pair of YM3438 chips instead of the YM2612. The YM3438 is a variant of the YM2612 that is identical in functionality and was featured in the Sega Megadrive II. The circuit layout has also been updated to grant access to the FM chips with minimal disassembly. Indeed the chips are now socketed (removable) and accessible by removing the bottom panel.

This allows you to install alternate FM chips (like the YM2612, modern alternatives or even custom sound chips). You can also mix different versions of FM chip as there are 2 slots that can be configured individually.

MEGAfm MKII features the same audio circuitry and analog distortion as the MKI, as a result both chips sound very similar inside of MEGAfm.

The firmware will work identically on both versions."

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