MATRIXSYNTH: Future Sound Systems: FIL3 and FIL4 dirty filters compared

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Future Sound Systems: FIL3 and FIL4 dirty filters compared

video upload by John Schussler

"Future Sound Systems isn't known for making polite modules. Their original claim to fame was a Eurorack version of the Gristelizer, and surely the name alone is enough to tell you what it sounded like.

These two modules are both filters (though not part of the Gristleizer line). The FIL3 Spectral Devastator is two filters in series (unless you decide otherwise), whereas the FIL4 Timbral Sculptor is a single filter with a couple wave folders and a rectifier in the signal chain (again, unless you decide otherwise).

I suppose you can maybe make things sound 'nice' with these, but mostly I'm trying to decide which one creates a more visceral rip, tear, and shred for the hp it takes up.

Input audio was a basic sine wave from a Dixie II+. Sequenced by Stochastic IG. Envelope by Zadar.

00:00 Intro
00:20 FIL3 HP
01:56 FIL3 LP
03:19 FIL3 Both
05:26 FIL3 Sequence
11:56 FIL4
14:58 FIL4 Sequence"

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