MATRIXSYNTH: Nautilus Tutorial 1: Getting Started

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Nautilus Tutorial 1: Getting Started

video upload by Qu - Bit

"Nautilus is a complex delay network inspired by sub-nautical communications and their interaction with the environment. In essence, Nautilus is a stereo delay consisting of 8 unique delay lines which can be connected and synced in interesting ways. Each time Nautilus pings its sonar system, the generated topography reveals itself through the delay, all while staying in time with the internal or external clock. Complex feedback interactions plunge sounds to new depths, while related delay lines pull fragments of sound in different directions. Manipulate the delay lines even further by configuring the the stereo receptors, sonar frequencies, and aquatic materials that filter the space between Nautilus and its surroundings.

Though Nautilus is a delay effect at heart, it is also a CV/Gate generator. The Sonar Output creates either a unique Gate signal, or a unique CV signal algorithmically generated from Nautilus’s findings. Drive other parts of your patch with pings from the delay network, or use the generated topography as a modulation source.

From the deep ocean trenches, to shimmering tropical reefs, Nautilus is the ultimate exploratory delay network."

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