MATRIXSYNTH: Paths from scratch .  Cloudbusting organic. Demo  Different sounds.  endless sounds. 🙏

Friday, October 21, 2022

Paths from scratch .  Cloudbusting organic. Demo  Different sounds.  endless sounds. 🙏

video upload by errorinstruments paul tas

"Diy as workshops or at"

"After the success of cloudbusting eurorack

We decided to make it also as a standalone In the Boutique collector format brickie.

To play together with Standalone equipment or just guitar Effects or pedals

Cloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 12 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds . Most famous sounds that are used for experimental purposes. as deep Drones .And also the Inspired sound of the plum . The sound of ciat lonbarde plumbutter / Rolls5 Also some weird frequency modulation . And a lot more ."

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