MATRIXSYNTH: Lo-Fi Debussy Clar De Lune with Tascam Portastudio 424 and Make Noise Strega

Friday, November 25, 2022

Lo-Fi Debussy Clar De Lune with Tascam Portastudio 424 and Make Noise Strega

video upload by riotbell

"This is just a simple short piece using the Strega to process Debussy on incoming tape from the Tascam Portastudio 424.

Recorded the Debussy on an old Hammond piano from the mid 1950s that's partially out of tune and has some serious key bed issues (built in lo-fi character I suppose).

When the Strega was first released I was really interested at how it would function as a processor of other instruments. It's surprisingly good at processing a variety of incoming signals. The filter and the delay can add a lot of character, though I wish there was some way to trigger the oscillator.

Honestly, I have mixed feelings on the Strega as a whole. It does some things incredibly well, but lacks a couple of basic features (like Midi) that would really open up the possibilities. Meanwhile, as much as I want to like the touch plates, they feel a bit like gimmicky overkill considering all the patch points (hope I'm wrong about this).

I might do a spoken review if folks are interested. I'm kicking around the idea of making spoken reviews and tutorials a bigger part of this channel, but haven't had as much free time as earlier in the year.

Thanks for listening."

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