MATRIXSYNTH: Snare Drums - 7 eurorack modules compared

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Snare Drums - 7 eurorack modules compared

video upload by John Schussler

"I've been collecting snare drums, and have finally gotten around to doing a comparison. There are, of course, many snare modules out there, these are just what I happen to have. I'm trying to figure out which ones to keep, and which to move on.

No additional effects added, just raw snare sound (which, I grant you, gets a bit grating after a while). But that's the thing about direct comparison, I like to keep it simple and uncolored.

The kick is an SSF Ultra Kick. Hat is Patching Panda Hatz. Sequencer is Acid Rain Constellation.

I purposely left the sequence irregular and off-kilter because a consistent beat was just too much to listen to after a while. This will irritate some folks. Apologies for that, but this was the compromise that kept me from grinding my teeth to powder.

00:00 Intro
00:20 2hp Snare
03:28 Erica Synths Drum2
07:08 Erica Synths Sample Drum
12:17 Intellijel Plonk
17:15 Noise Engineering Tymp Legio
22:10 WMD Kraken
27:23 Prok Snare Drum"

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