MATRIXSYNTH: Digital Hymnal HymnMaster HM2008 SN 0437

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Digital Hymnal HymnMaster HM2008 SN 0437

Demo comes in at 1:36. You can drag the play slider to skip ahead.

via this auction

Here's an odd one. Essentially a sample player rhythm box with hymnals. Think digital cassette player. A Christian version of a Saraang minus drums. It might be interesting to the circuit bender or someone that just wants to run it through effects or their modular, but something tells me it might not be that interesting based on the demo of another model above. I coulnd't find any demos of this particular model. Posting this more for the sake of it existing than anything else. That and if someone does pick it up, maybe we'll see it used in a video down the line.

Nanjing Jiayun Electronics Co. LID
Made in China

Can be used with the power cord or with batteries.

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