MATRIXSYNTH: Jam - Novation Summit - Exploring Split Mode #notalking #synthesizer

Monday, March 20, 2023

Jam - Novation Summit - Exploring Split Mode #notalking #synthesizer

video upload by HansiLa

"A one-take jam with the Novation Summit in split mode.

Whipping something quick with a latched arp on part B and messing around with notes on part A. There may need to be a longer part 2 as there's some fun to be had with the onboard effects and mod matrix. Despite just scratching the surface, I love how easy and quick it is to drum up great sounds on this synth.

As always, the goal with multiple synths on this channel is to see how each instrument sounds with the other and to improve my key and programming chops. With that in mind... there is minimal processing of these sounds. There's no compression or EQ on this piece."

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