MATRIXSYNTH: Improvise jam of Meng Qi + Yukes: Synthesizer, Guzheng and Xiao's Encounter

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Improvise jam of Meng Qi + Yukes: Synthesizer, Guzheng and Xiao's Encounter

video upload by Meng Qi

"This was the first time Yukes and I met in person. We initially connected on Bilibili when he created a documentary exploring the development of synthesizers in China and mentioned me in it. We kept in touch online for a long time, and when Yukes visited Beijing, I invited him to my slightly cluttered home, which serves as the backdrop for every episode of Synthesis Minority. I played host to this American Guzheng specialist, along with my two birds and two cats.

During our meeting, we recorded a video of an improvisation jam. I played the Wing Pinger, Wingie2, Magneto, and Steel Tongue Drum, while Yukes played the Electric Guzheng, Xiao, Metal Zone, H9, Blackhole, and Plus. If you have the patience to watch the entire video, you might come across some intriguing footage."

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