MATRIXSYNTH: Jen SM 2007 italian string machine 1979

Monday, May 22, 2023

Jen SM 2007 italian string machine 1979

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video upload by ohm_studi_ohm

Update: now listed on Reverb.

"Here is a demo of a quite rare Jen SM 2007 string machine. Unit was fully serviced and is for sale. Get in touch if interested.

The SM 2007 is a very nice stringer for whomever like these classic sounds. Very compact and lightweight and still gifted with quite a number of features.
There are 3 strings sounds (cello, viola and violin) that can be individually mixed, variable attack and sustain, a tone control and of course a triple BBD chorus.
The later has 3 presets: ensemble, solo and organ that are basically different setting of the chorus effect, 'ensemble' being the full triple chorus, 'solo' uses only 2 of the choruses for a less dense sound and "organ" is the dry sound of the string sounds, thus enabling to use external fx with more flexibility.
"Auto sustain" switch makes it possible for sustain notes either to be cut when new ones are played or be left to release. And the sustain length can be massive !
Soundwise it is silky and lush, the closest I can think of is the Logan/Hohner string melody. A bit like Elka rhapsody too but denser since it has triple chorus, not a double one.

Recorded dry with no treatment."

And some pics. Note the stand is not original. Perfect fit though.

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