MATRIXSYNTH: Spectraphon | by MakeNoise x Soundhack

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Spectraphon | by MakeNoise x Soundhack

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"The Spectraphon combines a spectral processor with a complex VCO. While it may look huge (34 HP)) it's still a lot smaller than a combined Buchla 259 and 296. A spectral processor is a bit like a parametric EQ with CV control, where you can slide through/focus on frequency bands. SP will analyze incoming sound, classify the harmonic content (the spectrum) and adds it to its own fundamental sine. The process of resynthesis is like impressionism in paintings, creating loose and inaccurate brush strokes of the original sound. So it's NOT a sampler and it doesn't capture audio. It listens to incoming audio, and paints its own picture. The process is called Spectral Amplitude Modulation (changing the volume of individual 'colors' with CV) aka SAM. Hello, SAM!

These spectra can also be saved for later use. But it doesn't stop there. First, SP offers two independent spectral processors A & B, which can interact with an FM bus. Side B can also sync with/follow side A. So you can process two sounds and then mangle them into beautiful new textures. You can also use the saved spectra (16 arrays containing up to 1024 spectra) in Spectral Array Oscillation mode (SAO) and use it as a dual complex spectral VCO. But it doesn't stop there either. It also offers two multi-functional outputs that work as envelope followers in SAM, and sub-oscillators in SAO. They also double as stepped/smooth random CV and a triangle LFO. Then, the journey begins. So yes, you will be influenced. Spectraphon is a Jedi mind trick. This is the droid you're looking for.

All music in this video is created with Spectraphon as the final audio source. Some parts are produced and multitracked in the DAW. I'll use a 'live' indicator when the patch is 'raw' and recorded as is.

00:00 A Spark of Inspiration
02:06 Introducing the Spectraphon
04:03 What are Spectra?
07:20 Spectral Amplitude Modulation - SAM
08:33 Harvesting for Spectraphon
11:26 Partials
13:52 Spectral Array Oscillator - SAO
19:59 Patch Ideas"

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