Wednesday, May 31, 2023


video upload by Vintage Audio Institute Italia

"It doesn’t beg for your attention - it demands it.
Welson Syntex is a great Italian monophonic synth - it’s kind of our favorite Italian monophonic machine.
It’s got dual oscillators with 4 footages each, a Moog ladder filter and white and pink noise - it can really sound huge. You’d think it has a third oscillator since it says oscillator 3 on the panel but it’s actually the LFO section.
This thing growls and howls - it distorts internally - but can also generate gentle and sweet flute and whistle sounds - summing it up its a versatile synthesizer.
On drums we got a German "Ostie" - East German - machine - the Vermona ER-9.
It's thin but harsh sounding - very electronic - and quite a looker as well.
Just the way we prefer them - it's got separate volume controls for each sound."

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