MATRIXSYNTH: Schlappi Engineering THREE BODY / perfect ratio phase modulation / DX sounds in eurorack

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Schlappi Engineering THREE BODY / perfect ratio phase modulation / DX sounds in eurorack

video upload by BRiES

"It's something we probably all tried to do at some point: tuning 2 or more sine VCOs in exact ratios to each other to create clear FM or PM tones like the digital 'fm' synths of the mid 80s like the Yamaha DX and the Casio SZ series... I know I have... and while usually I love the ever so slight but inherent instability of most eurorack VCOs it's the one scenario where they caused me to figuratively pull the (still literal) hair out of my scalp.

Well... Three Body takes care of that, so we (the mostly XY chromosoned segment of us at least) can keep our manes intact just a little bit longer."

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone at Schlappi define a three body problem and why it remains unsolved? How about how much money one can save by staying far away from modular and simply buying a DX or CZ or VZ? If that is the sonic goal. Or just using any or the free software that do FM very well. Yeah yeah yeah, I heard the furious tapping of fuming responses, but you spend all that money just to make this noise? Who are you trying to impress? Because it isn't a girlfriend, that's for sure. After thirty seconds of this I change the channel.


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