MATRIXSYNTH: 'Arp & Drone' 2-Voice Melodic Eurorack performance (ambient, minimal, all analogue synth sounds)

Sunday, August 27, 2023

'Arp & Drone' 2-Voice Melodic Eurorack performance (ambient, minimal, all analogue synth sounds)

video upload by AJH Synth Official

"A rather gentle 2-Voice, all-analog melodic performance using random arp mode on a Keystep Pro, whilst controlling a 2-note drone sound with the keyboard. This time a slightly simpler version of this recording: [below]

The system includes three Vintage Transistor Core VCOs and noise from the Glide + Noise module, which are split between the two filters of the Gemini 2412 dual multi-mode VCF. Two of the VCO sawtooth waves go to the Wave Swarm , which thickens them, creating the effect of many stacked saws (or supersaw) buzzing as their waveform timings collide. This makes an excellent basis for drone sounds, even from a single VCO.

Other important modules here are the Tap Tempo Voltage-controlled LFO, which is clocked by the arp (gate out to clock in), and modulates/varies the frequency of the filter on each new arpeggio note, creating more movement. Also the Ring SM adds a -1 sub-octave to the single VCO of the arpeggio, and mixes in some white noise, fattening the sound hugely.

The AJH SYNTH Eurorack range consists of high-end modules, all hand-made in the UK, most of which are based on classic, vintage designs, authentically recreating the circuitry of much sought-after analogue instruments and technologies of the past, whilst greatly expanding them, and bringing them to modern Eurorack levels of convenience, limitless flexibility, and reliability.

Check out the AJH Synth playlists for module 'User Guides', and 'Patch of The Week' videos, which will be either performances or 'how to' guides, detailing functions/methods, and a range of sounds, some familiar, some less so, containing a patch sheet at the end to show you how to construct it for yourself.

Video by @DreamsOfWires"

'Not moving on' - Mellow, Melodic Eurorack Performance (AJH Synth MiniMod & Gemini 2412)
video upload by DreamsOfWires

"Melodic real-time performance using 2 modular analogue synth voices, a work-in-progress version for this album: [posted here w/ video]

This track makes particular use of the Gemini VCF as two seperate filters - the melodic part (an arpeggio from the Keystep in random mode) consists of either the Entropic Doom (alone as a pitched noise VCO, sometimes with a regular VCO mixed into it's audio input, or used as a sync source), or just the standard VCO through the Ring SM (where additional octaves are added). The output of both the Entropic Doom and the Ring SM go to independent filters on the Gemini, Low Pass and Band Pass respectively. Then, the keyboard/sequencer gate from the Keystep triggers the Sample & Hold module, which modulates the mix between the output of these two filters using the Gemini's built-in voltage controlled mixer/cross-fader. I'm also using the CV Mix module to set the modulation level, range, and start/end positions.
The drone sound is two VCOs going through the Wave Swarm to the Ladder Filter, at certain points I manually shift the pitch of one of the VCOs using the Precision Voltages module, via the Glide module (up only). Recorded into AUM on an iPad with EOS2 reverb.
Added video footage is of the North Norfolk Railway, then the Mid Norfolk Railway, UK (before 'lockdown')."

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