MATRIXSYNTH: Every way the CS70M is BETTER than the Yamaha CS-80!

Monday, August 07, 2023

Every way the CS70M is BETTER than the Yamaha CS-80!

video upload by Vulture Culture

"Many people do not know about this rare, vintage synthesizer, the "update" to the greatest analog polysynth of all time. The CS70m was Yamaha's last chance to capture the analog synthesizer market before they went all in with digital synthesizers like the DX7. Today there are less than 1,000 that have survived. I think this synthesizer should be considered as legendary as the Roland Jupiter 8, Juno 106, Sequential Prophet 5 and Oberheim OB-X. It's older sibling, the Yamaha CS-80, was championed by Vangelis, who wrote and performed the score to Blade Runner.

► Vintage Standards Reverb Page:


"CS" actually stands for Combo Synth.

0:00 Intro Jam
1:06 Stereo Oscillator / Channel / Binaural Output
2:25 Polyphonic Sequencer
5:51 Unison Mode + Splits
7:10 Switchable Filter (Highpass, Bandpass + Lowpass)
9:21 Time X 5 (ADSR Multiplier)
10:31 2 LFO's
11:23 Dynamic LFO (Rate Changes Over Time)
11:52 Dynamic Filter FM
12:23 Sample + Hold LFO
12:41 Glide + and - (Positive + Negative Pitch Modulation)
13:29 Pulse Width Envelopes
14:29 6-Stage Envelopes (Combining Envelopes)
15:00 Ring Mod as a Mod Source (Ring Mod PWM?!)
15:31 Ring Mod to Filter FM
16:15 Pulse Width Through Zero
16:59 Pitch Wheel in Intervals (3rd, 5th, Octave)
17:45 Stereo LFO Effects (Mod Wheel Routable)
18:26 Aftertouch to LFO VCA Modulation
19:04 Ensemble with 3 Bucket Brigade Delays (Roland VP-330 sounds)
19:32 Tremolo Button Adjusts Slowly Changes Speed
20:01 Fully Editable Digital Patch Memory!
21:02 LA Synthesis ala D-50 + JX-10
21:41 No Leaking Batteries!
22:20 Save Patches to Magnetic Cards!
22:46 Auto-tune Button
23:18 1/3rd The Weight!
23:55 CV Trigger and Gate Out
24:15 3 Expression Pedal Inputs (Modulation, Volume, Brilliance)
25:18 Variable Sustain Slider
25:45 VCF Level Slider Removed (Redundant)
26:08 PRICE
26:34 Cons
26:42 Polyphonic Aftertouch
27:32 Ribbon Controller
28:11 No Velocity or Keyboard Tracking
29:11 Shared Channel Controls
30:14 6 Bitimbral Voices
30:52 LFO Intensity Not Mixable Between Sources
32:16 Subtle Vibrato is Impossible
33:47 Filter Stepping (ADSR + LFO are smooth)
34:43 No Aftertouch to Brilliance
35:54 Ensemble + Tremolo are Mono
37:16 Single Filter per voice
37:54 Ring Mod only affects Channel I
40:14 No Reverse Saw LFO Shape
41:12 CS-80 History
41:47 CS70M History
43:00 Conclusion"


  1. How about that the CS70M costs only $20,000 as opposed to $100,000 for a CS80? That makes them equally unaffordable.

  2. I had the complete CS-range and i can only conclude this:
    The Polyphonic synths sound like shit if you don't put lots of FX on it.
    Highly overrated,overpriced and overhyped. There are a lot of synths on the market that offer you a lot more for the buck. Don't waste your precious money on these retarted preset synths.


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