Saturday, August 05, 2023


video upload by Vintage Audio Institute Italia

"Introducing the Wersimatic CX1 - a stylish auto accompaniment unit made in Germany in the early 80s.

It sports 4 sections :

Analog Drum machine
Bass section
Chord section
Arpeggiator section (it’s maybe more like a second chord generator)

Each section can be muted, individual drum sounds can be muted.
This specific unit was modified with independent volume control for each section - those are the extra knobs on the front panel - as well as separate outputs for each section in the back.
The drum patterns, the chord and arpeggiator sections are all programmable.

The CX1 was followed by the CX2 - which is basically the same machine but with 12bit sample drums instead of the CX1’s analog drums - it seems the bass, chords and arpeggiator sounds and patterns are all the same on the CX1 and CX2. The CX2 sports an additional row of buttons for programming purposes but those are available on the CX1 as well - the row of buttons on the left has a third submenu."

Additional WERSIMATIC CX1 posts

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