MATRIXSYNTH: Novation Summit - A playing attempt at Brian Crain's "Imagining"

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Novation Summit - A playing attempt at Brian Crain's "Imagining"

video uploads by eM

Novation Summit - A playing attempt at Brian Crain's "Imagining"
One of my favorite piano artists Brian Crain, his song 'Imagining' attempting to play it. IIt definitely takes some muscle memory, but I love this song, love to hear it sound on the Summit.
Novation Summit - "Morning Stroll" SM Plucked Keys
Took a walk outside with the family in our new neighborhood... beautiful sunny day. Much to be thankful for. a short inspirational piece from that played here. I hope wherever you are you will find an enjoyable stroll for yourself.
Novation Summit - SM Plucked Keys (Orano patch) - "Pirate's Beach"
Could pass for a guitar sound, do you think? Credit to Orano's patch again, some reverb from the flashback and hall of fame, subtle reverb and delay on the Summit, I know I know.. why not just use one or the other. Well, it's convenient to alternate, the HoF and FB pedals are primarily not adjusted as it's also sent thru my mixer as an FX channel for other instruments. Enjoy.
Novation Summit - "Aisle" - Multi Mode - 1. SM 5th Sense 2. Sm Who's Afraid (Orano's single patches)
Credit to Orano's Novation Summit single patches, I split them in multi mode, as you'll usually see me do. In this improvisation I'm playing with the delay timing effects on the #2 patch while playing pad on the #1. The onboard delay and reverb effects gives instant breaths for your creative atmospheres.
Novation Summit - "Crystal Falls" Multi Setting (SM Leviathan and SM Popcorn Arp)
Patch creation credit to Orano Music @ Just having fun with blending his patches, very lush and enjoyable, highly recommended!
Novation Summit - SM Leviathan (patch Created by Orano Music)
This patch (along with many others) was created by Orano Music
Novation Summit - "Legendary Keys" - Solo Piano - Multi Mode
I like taking the same single patch and splitting them between both the A and B sections. There are a few minor tweaks between the two sections of course, the A section I'll use for solo piano playing with some slight filter manipulations while the B section is mainly conducting the arp in the play tick on the arp knob, this basically follows the key strokes and does a catch up, so to say, as there is also delay and feedback being added for dynamic effect. I like being able to create an immersivity effect to keep me going in my solo playing. The Summit never fails to conveniently produce this very basic task.

Since OBS has fixed their NDI plugin, it's less work around for me to set up these recordings again. Thanks for listening. appreciate any comments or tips for solo piano playing and any other recommendations to help me along this Summit playing journey.
Novation Summit - Star Messenger (Solo Piano/Multi Setting -2x Plucks of Love)
Sometimes blending sounds only requires manipulating the same one. 2 split multi settings with the same patch one with a fast attack subtle release, and the other, the complete opposite. It works well combing fast runs with an 11'oclock delay while giving the sustained notes some slight ambience, but not too much to over shine the stars. Enjoy!

Oh got that Iphone to NDI thing to work (Over OBS's ver 28.0) via an ap called NDI Tools (NDI monitor).
Novation Summit and Sub37(hidden) - Perfect Peace vol 2
I’m triggering a Sub37 off camera. I rearranged my set up to give my digitone and digitakt a new home where I’d hopefully approach it more as I love playing the Summit and appreciate the Sub37’s smooth bass sounds.

Since obs’s recent update, my ndi wifi for my iOS phone app doesn’t post to obs, and uploading vids into my pc from the iPhone is also a bit impractical, so here is a recording raw with the phone next to a speaker, not too bad.

Anyway, enjoy, hopefully can get the ndi wifi feature working so I can easily dial into recording.
Novation Summit - "Momentary Solace" - Single Mode [DistortedPAD]
I wanted to escape more on this one, easier done when not recording a raw performance by feel and ear, let me know if I should rerun this to go a little longer. Enjoy.
Novation Summit - Moog and Pad 2 - Multi Setting (Jarrehead and Octave Orbs)
A short/different rendition of the Moog and Pad patches. Enjoy.
Novation Summit - "Minaya" Solo Piano (Multi Setting - Patches: "Pluck your Keys" & "Game Over")
These patches had a few minor tweaks, especially the game over patch which comes with the summit. It had a lot of weird character pre built into its modulation, I mainly added feedback delay and reverb on a random arp to give the landscape for the solo playing which also had some delay and reverb. I think it clashed pretty well together, a bit chippier of a tune.

All sounds are processed raw from the Novation Summit into a Behringer xair18 into OBS with minor gain staging between the two and OBS to capture the recording, video captured by an iphone 13 sending a wireless NDI signal from the obs camera app.
Novation Summit - "Submission to the Enterprise" [Patch "Overbiased & Isn't CS80?"]
Oh to thee we miss... a bliss saturated in a soundscape in the escape long awaited... it has been a while, life has it's travels and it begs a beckon back to the music. The touch fiends a grace unexplained.. but when met it is finally satisfied.. quenched enough for now, till the next water is served... till then, bathe well in this, and stay well till the end my friend, this is not the end.
Novation Summit "Rift" - Solo Piano - Multi Setting [Peak Grunge/BladeSauce~Himilaya patches]
Playing my usual rudiment on the Novation Summit in F sharp. I like how the Bladesauce gives the tail end of its pad once the Peak Grunge lets off. Summit never fails in offering that split explorative flexibility to play patches bi timbraly while being able to manipulate parameters, that is... depending on what multi part A or B you're selected on, or save yourself the trouble (guess I should try this) hold both A and B and all parameter changes will effect both parts.
Novation Summit - "The Promise 2" (Solo Piano) [Metalogue/Bladesauce Multi mode ~ Himilaya patch]
I've lately been dialing into my digitone and digitakt, prepping some techno patterns that I hope to play live soon. I always like to come back to the Summit to simply PLAY. This solo is a common one that generally return to, so you may hear the pattern being played similarly to other solo's I've done, just different sounds or different notes/keys being played, or otherwise certain pauses etc, hehe.
Novation Summit - "Perhaps... Peace?" - Solo Piano (MultiMode - Moondrops / Gravel Traps)
I wanted to escape a little (the Summit never fails to offer that). Credit due to the Himilaya patches once again splitting the arp for Moondrops and playing the solo using the Gravel Traps patch.

Having the Summit is something precious to me. Being able to play it... and drifting a while not playing it due to anything else going on in my life, it's always a pleasant discovery to be with this instrument again. I'm sure those of you who watch have a favorite they escape with as well, Perhaps you have many, but oh please find those moments where you can indulge intimately with one.

Find that sound, and journey well to it.
Novation Summit - Logspellage - Piano Solo - [Multi Setting - Simple & Sublime / Mars Harp]
To tell you the truth, I'm not worthy of having this synth. There is so much under this hood, I can butcher a design and watch it fall a part. So many thanks to the creators out there that create the patches. I'm always very delighted to play them.

I take great pleasure in selecting patches any of the 127 patches per bank (4 banks total) and blending them into the Multi setting, and layering a latched arp with a nice poly lead, makes for a perfect escape.
Novation Summit - "The Promise" Solo Piano - Multi mode - Bladesauce/Metalogue (Himilaya patches)
Fellow musicians and 'synthesists', those who journey in their hearts to create the sound they long to hear, long to be with, to be a part of. You hear it and you want to have an experience, you want to become the creation of that experience and reciprocate it till your soul is filled in perfect solace. it's a beautiful place to play, and to stay. The Summit delivers these moments, It truly is a magnificent instrument. Enjoy.
Novation Summit - Double Tine - Piano Playing
Been experimenting with a different setup for the stream/video recording. Incorporating iphone NDI wireless transmission to OBS and capturing the sound directly from my xair18 sound card (top shelf, can't really see it but its there). Noticed the whole send aux from the mixer directly to an iphone adapter would bleed weird static noise, it simply had to go. Anyway, still a working progress to fine tune everything, till then, enjoy the soundscapes (still rocking those Himilaya patches!)
Novation Summit - Distant Tines Multi (Double Distant Tines)
Credit to the Himilaya patches again with the arp/layer blend of the same patch Distant Tines. Enjoy.
Novation Summit - Moog and Pad
Credit to Himilaya patch creator, i layered Jarre Head on A and Octave Orbs on B, a luscious sound for escape.
Novation Summit - Multi Setting - ARP and Solo
Having fun with my dream synth, the Novation Summit. Loving the split Layer mode between one patch having an ARP while I solo play over the other. Since its in layer mode, it's basically playing both A and B patches together. All sounds are processed Raw through a mixer. No compression, no editing, just ran into OBS with a cheap web cam (sorry lol). Enjoy.

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