MATRIXSYNTH: MiniMod Keyz & 6U Full System - Keyboard Split & Arpeggiator Sequencer mode melodic performance

Sunday, September 10, 2023

MiniMod Keyz & 6U Full System - Keyboard Split & Arpeggiator Sequencer mode melodic performance

video upload by AJH Synth Official

"Testing the keyboard split and sequencer mode on the Niftykeyz controller as part of the MiniMood complete Eurorack synth system, also controlling a 6U Full System.

Both these systems are based around the 3-VCO MiniMod voice, which is a re-creation of the original R.A Moog version of the Minimoog, so they can sound huge. Both have the Ring SM, allowing a further 2 sub-octaves to be added to the sound, with substantially more mixing capacity, so being able to control both from the same controller provides great scope for performances.

The 6U system is available on a Doepfer vintage-look case (not pictured here - this was a custom build), and all feature the very powerful Gemini 2412 dual, state-variable, voltage-controlled filter based on the VCF from the excellent, vintage Oberheim SEM (Synthesizer Expander Module).

The AJH SYNTH Eurorack range consists of high-end modules, all hand-made in the UK, most of which are based on classic, vintage designs, authentically recreating the circuitry of much sought-after analogue instruments and technologies of the past, whilst greatly expanding them, and bringing them to modern Eurorack levels of convenience, limitless flexibility, and reliability.

Video by @DreamsOfWires"

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