MATRIXSYNTH: Moog Minimoog Model D - Quick Jam

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Moog Minimoog Model D - Quick Jam

video upload by Kraft Music

"Find exclusive Moog BUNDLES at Kraft Music:

The Moog Minimoog Model D, originally released in 1970, is back in production. The three-oscillator, monophonic, analog synthesizer is housed in an Appalachian cherry cabinet and hand-finished aluminum chassis. Sounding as vibrant and deep as ever, its legendary low-pass ladder filter, powerful oscillators, and rich saturating mixer retain the exact component placement and through-hole design of a 1970s-era Minimoog Model D. While no changes have been made to the original sound engine or audio signal path, the 2022 Minimoog Model D includes a series of popular functional modifications that expand this legendary instrument's sonic capabilities, including a spring-loaded pitch wheel with center deadband, allowing for improved playability and wild performance flourishes.

Get more for your money with an exclusive Moog Minimoog Model D analog synthesizer bundle from Kraft Music. These package deals include the accessories you'll need to get the most out of your new synth, all for one low price. If you have any questions, please contact us. Our knowledgeable sales advisors will be happy to assist in choosing the bundle that's right for you!"


  1. The original Minimoog is back in production? Where? By whom? You don't spitcan an entire factory of workers and then immediately gear back up to full production in an instant at some mysterious location. I hate this whole business of the way things are done today.

  2. The only thing this inMusic acquisition accomplishes is to convince people they may as well buy the Behringer product after all, since the new "Moogs" are going to be coming from the same place anyway, and the old prices will hardly be justified.


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