MATRIXSYNTH: Gater - Serge Gated Comparator Sketch

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Gater - Serge Gated Comparator Sketch

video upload by Memetune Studio

"Using the Loudest Warning versions of the Ken Stone Gated Comparator to play the Serge system. The GC takes 2 inputs (any time-varying voltage source and a clock source) and sends out a variety of CVs and Gates based on the incoming clock, using 8 shift registers that sequentially pass the voltages along. Its hard to explain what's happening, because there are a few extra details that complicate it. One is that each of the 8 steps can have an offset voltage added with a knob setting. Also there is a loop function which can be different to the inputs. Then there are different outputs - a mix of all the voltages on each step, or random voltages per step. A range knob sets the general voltage range its going to output, and there is a sensitivity knob to control how much of the variable cv input is setting off the stages. Its pretty hit and miss, and is one of those modules that is best just experimented with, but it can give amazing results that can't be done on anything else (apart from other modules based on this idea, such as the Rungler, Klee sequencer, Turing Machine, etc). Its great for semi-random sequences of notes and other cvs, as well as gates and timing pulses

In this patch I'm using one GC (on the right of the panel) to do the pitches and a second one (far left) to send out cvs to control the timbre of the oscillator. This second GC is a slimmed down version with less controls and no individual gate outs, but its the same thing in principle

The strange wonky rhythms are being made with a combination of the window comparators and the EG which has an equally baffling array of input and output options

So in other words, this is a an extremely fun panel to experiment with when making aleatoric music 😁"

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