MATRIXSYNTH: Autumnism - Benge on the Buchla 100

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Autumnism - Benge on the Buchla 100

video upload by Memetune Studio

"Benge Buchlaisms - 'Autumnism'

This is a multi-tracked piece made exclusively on the Buchla 100 synthesiser

The modules in the left-hand cabinets are all original vintage units made in the 1960s (apart from the middle 144 VCO which is my own clone made before the current slew of clones released since 2018)

The patch makes use of many oscillators going into the 191 Sharp Cutoff Filter, in bandpass mode, as well as other layers using the Frequency Shifter and Noise Sources

The Random module is a big part of the patches, as well as the Sequencers

But perhaps the most important modules in any patch on the 100 are the 156 CV Processors. This is because of the way Don designed the system, leaving off the CV processing from most modules. So for example, most functions on the modules have voltage control inputs, but no scaling knobs or mixers on them, so the 156 modules are used for this task

In general, I approached the patching for this piece in a fairly ad-hock manner, and just enjoyed patching and playing with the system as I went along, with no particular goal other than exploring the Buchla's warm sonic possibilities, on a very cold, wet, autumnal day"

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