MATRIXSYNTH: Jean- Jacques Perrey, recording “Chicken On The Rocks” in Paris, 2003 (with David Chazam)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Jean- Jacques Perrey, recording “Chicken On The Rocks” in Paris, 2003 (with David Chazam)

Jean- Jacques Perrey, recording "Chicken On The Rocks" in Paris, 2003 (with David Chazam) from Dana Countryman on Vimeo.

In 2003, I flew to Paris for my second visit with the legendary French electronic music pioneer, Jean Jacques Perrey. I was working on an solo electronic music album of my own, and I had asked Mssr. Perrey to play his Ondioline on my version of a tune he had once recorded in 1960, called "Chicken on the Rocks". I brought the new backing track with me, that I had previously started in my home studio, and David kindly agreed to record JJ's Ondioline in his own home studio. I filmed part of the session with my little camcorder. After we had finished the song, I traveled with JJ to his home in Lausanne, Switzerland, and on the train trip there he told me, "I would love to record an entire album with you!" So, I saved this song for our first duo album, "The Happy Electropop Music Machine", which was released in 2006 by Oglio Records in Los Angeles. A few years later, the song was used in an episode of "South Park", which brought in a substantial amount of money for all involved. That led to JJ and my performing many concerts, both in Europe, Canada and America. This video documents the start of it all!

Don't miss: Jean​-​Jacques Perrey et son Ondioline released by Gotye [posted here].

You can find additional posts mentioning Jean-Jacques Perrey here (note some videos disappear over time but I keep the posts up as a record).

See the Ondioline label below for additional posts featuring the Ondioline.

The Ondioline was first concieved by Georges Jenny in 1939. Via Wikipedia on the Ondioline: "First conceived by Jenny in 1939, he continued refining and reconfiguring the device, producing dozens of variant models up until his death in 1975."

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