MATRIXSYNTH: Meng Qi Wingie 2 & Synthstrom Deluge // The process IS the performance!

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Meng Qi Wingie 2 & Synthstrom Deluge // The process IS the performance!

video upload by Dexba

"The Wingie 2 by @MengQiMusic changed my musical approach (for good).
It made me embrace the environmental noise, it made me start thinking a bit outside of the "synthesizers are for synthwave" box, and its portability, its cuteness, made me more willing to open up and breathe a bit more.
It's hard to explain, but after getting a Wingie I started to reconsider microphones, I got an Arbhar, I got a Befaco i4, I repaired my OP1 Field mic, I even sang into my modular (and you've seen that video already), all things I would have found sacrilegious in the recent past.
The fun part is that all those other instruments cost more than the Wingie, and yet the Wingie is still the tool that forces me to plan more a recording, while also requiring me less effort in doing so.
Love it.
Here it is being controlled by the Deluge by Synthstrom, in the new OLED version, which finally gave me the appeal and strength to study it better, and put it to good use. And I've owned a Deluge since 2018 😄
I hope you'll enjoy this little moment of calmness, my musical way to cope with the incredibly noisy neighbour I have, through resonation."

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