MATRIXSYNTH: Why to buy the most famous drum machine of all time

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Why to buy the most famous drum machine of all time

video upload by Alex Ball

"Like most people, I've always wanted to own an original Roland TR-808 but it's always been the wrong price or the wrong time or both. Earlier this year my time finally came.

I wanted to make a video showing why it's still a very relevant and useful instrument in a modern studio and that it's not just purely about nostalgia, whilst that obviously plays a part!

0:00 Intro Jam
1:38 Individal Outs & FX
5:14 Trigger Outs and Synths
9:16 Sampling and Synching
12:52 Boutique Comparison
14:39 Sample Pack
15:15 Summary and Outro Jam

Sample pack, stems and music from the video: / alexballmusic"

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