MATRIXSYNTH: Background Modulars No.5 - Buchla 100 and EMS VCS3

Monday, June 10, 2024

Background Modulars No.5 - Buchla 100 and EMS VCS3

video upload by Memetune Studio

"Don’t have a Buchla 100 and EMS VCS3 to hand? No worries! Just put this video on in the background (in full-screen mode), and have the next best thing 😁

Here is 10 minutes of self-playing modular synthesiser randomness. Why not put it on loop - then you can have it bubbling away in the background while you do other things

A note on the patch: The whole thing is being run by the EMS Random Voltage Generator, but that is being modulated by a divided down set of voltages from the Buchla 8-step sequencer, so it changes the randomness very slowly, which makes it seem like its evolving as it goes along. There are ring modulated VCOs, cross mod VCOs and pitch shifted VCOs, from both systems all being mixed on the 205 matrix mixer, which also has feedback paths set up to go to the WEM valve copycat and also the Buchla dual reverbs and dual compressors. So the whole patch is intermingling and feeding back on itself via the matrix mixer. Its a highly complex patch and is pretty much impossible to describe fully because I just kept patching it until I liked the result enough to let it run and film it for 10 minutes"

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