MATRIXSYNTH: Yamaha AN1X Klaus Schulze 4 and Klaus Schulze 8 two Presets with Chorus and Phaser variations

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Yamaha AN1X Klaus Schulze 4 and Klaus Schulze 8 two Presets with Chorus and Phaser variations

video upload by js-sound

"I often read on music forums 'why are hardware synthesizers stuck in the Stone Age?'. People are often unhappy with many things. People can like something and at the same time a couple of things can irritate people, if, for example, we are talking about hardware synthesizers. For me AN1X is perfect.

There are a lot of new music products available on the market now. But often they are the ones that don’t suit me in many ways. And I love my AN1X, it has never let me down or annoyed me. After modification, which greatly changed the sound for the better, it is a polyphonic analogue for me! On YouTube, crumbs remain from the original sound, but live my AN1X sounds so that it gives me goosebumps. If you look at the synthesis diagram on the case cover, you can understand from it that AN1X is simple! The entire diagram does not show its capabilities even at 20%. AN1X can do a lot better than my Eurorack modular! And and if you want that Eurorack modular to do what the AN1X can do, it must occupy half of the small room.

00:00 JS-Sound Klaus Schulze 4 Preset with a little bit AN1X chorus and panorama by 50%
02:57 JS-Sound Klaus Schulze 8 Preset with a AN1X phaser and wide panorama"

Yamaha AN1X Jean Michel Jarre Magnetic Fields Part2 with 2 Scenes live

video upload by js-sound

"What can a Yamaha AN1X synthesizer that is already 27 years old do? First of all, it can make me happy because it doesn’t show any signs that it will ever break down and stop working. He can also sound completely different and with his creative abilities generate crazy and very musical timbres. AN1X is the most musical synthesizer for my ears.

There is only one preset in this video. It consists of two different timbres (2 scenes or dual mode), which I controlled using DAW via two MIDI channels simultaneously. I recorded the sum of the two timbres into a wave file at one time. I normalized the amplitude to the maximum peak and added audio to my video.

00:00 Start Video
00:15 Jean-Michel Jarre Magnetic Fields Part 2 live Video.
01:00 Info 3
04:29 My YouTube Channel Info.

Yamaha AN1X as drone synthesizer

video upload by js-sound

"If none of you have watched the Vikings series on Netflix, then you should watch it. What is the connection between the Vikings and synthesizers or the actions of people in a certain choice, for example a musical equipment? The connection is actually direct. If you believe the saga about the Vikings, they fought among themselves, but without peace and harmony, they always tried to conquer new unknown lands. How can synthesizers and Vikings be combined? It's simple... people's logic is often not justified. For example, a person has a synthesizer and likes the sound. But some “evil” manufacturer throws a new “musical toy” onto the market. A doubt creeps into this person’s brain: “it’s time to sell the old junk, you need to buy a new synthesizer, it will be better!” Often everything is just the opposite.... People have always been in an eternal search. I'm not looking for anything. Maybe I'm not a Viking! But at the same time, I am happy to have what I have. I'm not interested by any new products, I don't want to be disappointed by them. This happened all the time! Therefore, watch a series about Vikings and perhaps you will find harmony with your musical devices."

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