MATRIXSYNTH: YAMAHA CS-40M - Review, Sounds & Demo | Analog Synthesizer

Friday, June 14, 2024

YAMAHA CS-40M - Review, Sounds & Demo | Analog Synthesizer

video upload by Andy Whitmore

"Explore the unique and rare Yamaha CS-40M, a 2-note polyphonic synthesizer that shares the legendary CS80’s fat, rich sound thanks to its sub-oscillator per oscillator configuration.

The CS-40M features a distinct architecture with its sub-oscillators positioned after the high-pass filter, allowing for the creation of truly unique and interesting sounds. It boasts the same low/high-pass filter as the CS80 and CS70M (the IG00156) but with added versatility due to its bandpass mode, which offers more flexibility compared to the CS80's single filter.

One of the standout features of the CS-40M is its 5 modulation routes. Each route operates at the same speed but offers its own waveform choice and depth. You can modulate either or both oscillators, the filter, the amp’s ADSR, or the entire synth. The ring modulator can also be introduced to modulate the whole synth at a different speed, creating an incredibly dynamic soundscape.

Produced in limited quantities between 1979 and 1986, the CS-40M is a rare gem in the synth world. While it includes 20 presets similar to the Jupiter 4, these presets aren’t tweakable. However, the live panel interface, akin to the MiniMoog, is user-friendly, responsive, and satisfying to use.

With its 44-note full-size keyboard and synth action, the CS-40M is a joy to play and can be seen as a 2-note polyphonic version of the CS70M.

Time Stamps

0:00 – Intro
1:32 – Ring Modulator
2:07 – 5 Modulators
3:17 – The Oscillators
3:39 – Sub- Oscillators
3:58 – All the Oscillators
4:29 – Mixing the LFO with the Ring Modulator
5:06 – Ring Modulation Attack Functions
5:44 – Duophonic
6:05 – Add the LFO to the Ring Modulator
7:00 – Noise – no modulation
7:25 – Noise with open close filter
7:53 – Plus Resonance
8:34 – Plus LFO
10:05 – Noise through the Ring Modulator
11:55 – Add Resonance"

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