MATRIXSYNTH: Yamaha MU2000 - the final boss of General MIDI boxes - does it hold up?

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Yamaha MU2000 - the final boss of General MIDI boxes - does it hold up?

video upload by Floyd Steinberg

"I wanted to try one of these Yamaha MU2000 boxes for years, but they were surprisingly expensive and available from Japan only. But with some backing from YouTube and my channel members, here's a detailed video on the MU2000, some sound examples and a short demo track created in MIDI only, which is no problem when 128 voices are the limit. Table of contents:

00:00 demo 1
00:14 hi
00:32 hardware overview
01:16 you'll need an adapter or two, and english manuals
01:42 updating the firmware
02:49 XG, GS and PFM modes
03:26 some performance patches: FeedbackEG
03:43 Heavens Door
04:02 ConcertGrand
04:22 Saw Classic
05:01 Analog Age
05:27 70s Organ AT
05:56 Touch Line
06:18 Analog Str
06:57 CP70 OnStage
07:31 Orch Suite
08:07 Orion
08:48 SQ-Bass
09:06 Pad Swell
09:30 60s Piano
09:44 Rhody Phaze
10:16 Analog SQ 1
10:59 MU2000 as an effects processor for external instruments
12:03 using the sampler
13:22 XG mode: browsing all drum kits
15:06 XG mode patches: 4 Way EP
15:34 GrandP
16:03 SolidStr (and the true purpose of the MU2000)
16:46 SwellStr (and some words on expansion cards)
17:24 SweepPad
17:40 Athmosphr
17:46 Echoes
17:56 a short XG MIDI mode demo using the Retrokits RK-008 and the inTech GRID controller and guitar (with insert effects by the MU2000)
20:38 bye

My video on XG and its synth capabilities: [posted here]
English manuals: / files
MU2000 downloads (japanese)
XGEdit 3.07
Retrokits RK-008
Intech Grid


1 comment:

  1. Two-hundred to $300 is surprisingly expensive? No, the usual $2,000 to $4,000 for items from Japan is surprisingly expensive. It is a wonder any of it ever sells. There are too many whales feeding a culture of greed.


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