MATRIXSYNTH: A synth that talk - AnalogFX SER-2020 Demo

Monday, September 23, 2024

A synth that talk - AnalogFX SER-2020 Demo

video upload by Stazma

"Today I'll show some cool sounds and set up with the SER-2020 by AnalogFX.
This is an analog monosynth based on the Synton Syrinx, wich means it's quite an unusual design compared to your classic Minimoog or SH-101.
I find it hard not to think about Aphex Twin when playing with this, hence the click bait thumbnail ;-)"

00:00 Intro
01:16 Overview
05:05 Patch from Scratch
06:12 More on those filters
11:44 More on the oscillators
12:45 The Bender
14:01 Midi sequencing & "speech mode"
18:22 Multi-Peak Filter Pings
26:52 Classic CV/Gate setup
33:41 End talk

1 comment:

  1. The original Synton Syrinx #1 was purple, so that was the initial color, not blue. The purple one pops up for auction every once in a while for an outlandish price. Then again, what doesn't, these days?


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