MATRIXSYNTH: New MIDI Sound & Interface Card for the TRS-80

Thursday, October 31, 2024

New MIDI Sound & Interface Card for the TRS-80

video upload by Michael Wessel

via Michael Wessel:

"I am building a MIDI sound & interface card for the TRS-80. The idea is to turn the TRS-80 into a capable MIDI pattern tracker and sequencer, and at the same time, add MIDI sound capabilities to it as well. TRS-80 software is still under development, but the hardware is final.

For now, I have a simple drum pattern sequencer - the TRS-80 is sending MIDI data to the on-board S2 Dreamblaster module for sound generation; in addition, MIDI data is also sent to the on-board MIDI DIN OUT socket. MIDI recording and playback of complex MIDI is also possible:"

MIDI/80 on the Model III - Realtime Recording of Very Complex MIDI Data
video upload by Michael Wessel

Some more videos in the MIDI/80 playlist:

"MIDI/80 uses the BluePill STM32 microcontroller and an Adafruit MIDI breakout board for MIDI DIN sockets. MIDI OUT is either to an (optional, plug-in) Waveblaster-compatible sound module (e.g., the S2 or X2GS from Serdashop), or to an external MIDI expander such as the Roland MT-32 or Roland SoundCanvas SC-55 (or to both!)

MIDI/80 will be OpeSource soon, and a Github repo with the PCB Gerbers, BluePill firmware, schematics, BOM, docuemntation, as well as TRS-80 software are in preparation and should be available soon."

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