MATRIXSYNTH: Novation Summit | Moog Sub-37 - "Climatic War Engine"

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Novation Summit | Moog Sub-37 - "Climatic War Engine"

video upload by eM

"I kind of notice my patterns/playing style revolves with a similar sort of routine, this piece would be no different. I think for any musician while its wonderful to play for others, when it is just you, the heart find its home to where the natural just comes to fruition.

I was having a heart moment, in fact it was done prior to recording which I'm sure any of you folks who do such recordings have had those improv palm face moments of not hitting the record button sooner!

None the less, when it's between you and your instrument you can't always escape and tell the universe how its always going to play out, you just have to give into the moment and let it become part of you."

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